Международная лаборатория «Нейрофизиология виртуальной реальности»


Research Centre was created by the team of scientists representing seven departments of Faculties of Food Technologies and of Food Engineering and automation.
The team works in four research laboratories using the Center as a coordinating structure.
The team represents the scientific school of St. Petersburg ‘Biotechnology and resource engineering systems’, head prof. Kolodyaznaya V.S.


Biotechnology and Environment Objects Analysis

The objectives of the laboratory, including topics of research: the study of the detailed composition of the substrates prepared by means of biotechnology - complete proteins, bioactive ingredients, spoilage microflora growth regulators of food products and agricultural plants, enzymes, etc.; screening of substrates and products in the biotech modifications - clarification of the molecular mechanisms of effective receiving of valuable components; monitoring of the environment and identification of dangerous anthropogenic factors at different stages of production; development of recommendations to industrial ecology and safety for specific groups of food and agricultural products. Data on the composition and properties of proteins, peptides and other biologically active components will be used for fundamental research in nutrioproteomics and creating new foods for a healthy diet and prolonged life.

Postharvest biotechnologies

Relationships of microorganisms and plants represent a fundamental scientific problem . This is due to the fact that the scope of this relationship is very wide - from pathogenesis to symbiosis. The mechanism of interaction between microorganisms and plants is a subject of particular interest. Studies in recent decades have shown that nodule bacteria and phytopathogenic microorganisms  have a complex , multi-step process of interaction with plants, ending in the first case with the formation of nodules on the roots of leguminous plants, where localized nodule bacteria and the process of fixation of molecular nitrogen , and in the second - occurrence of the source of infection and disease plants. Previously it was thought that the internal tissues of plants almost sterile and can be inhabited only by phytopathogenic microorganisms , with the defeat of the plant. However , in further studies it was found that the roots and stems of the plants have inside a large number of various microorganisms of the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Enterobacter. They are called endophytic bacteria , ie bacteria that live in the inner tissues of plants without causing them harm. Further investigation showed the specificity of endophytic bacteria with various plants. Therefore, the use of endophytic bacteria to create microbiological agents allow more fully realize the biotechnology potential of both plants and microorganisms. Claimed area of research is new to Russia, and is being developed in a number of industrialized countries, the EU and the United States ("Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere"; FJ De Bruijn [Ed]; Wiley / Blackwell; 1328 p.). Results of the research will be published in leading international and Russian periodicals and included in the specialized courses for undergraduate and graduate students.

Specialized food biotechnology

The development of modern medicine has led to a change in ideas about the nature of certain diseases and changed approaches to their treatment. It is shown that a number of diseases can be prevented or treated using certain foods, which include dietary supplements. This reduces taking medicines, the use of which can led to a change in the gastrointestinal tract microbiota. This therapy can be used for a number of hereditary diseases, geriatric patients. Important social task of medical and food producers is to develop products aimed at the formation of intelligence and personality, treatment and prevention of mental illness.

Resource saving engineering systems

Study of quasi-essential nutritional factors, which include the secondary metabolites of plants, is one of the most important areas of research in food biotechnology.

Currently allocated 11 categories of non-alimentary substances for which was proven their specific pharmacological effect (dietary fiber, oligosaccharides, polyfunctional alcohols, phenolic compounds, fatty acids, glycolipids, isoprenoids, vitamins, phospholipids and other polar lipids, etc.). 

For the development of the domestic economy there is an urgent problem of complex processing of agricultural raw materials. In particular, these are byproducts of oilseeds such as hydrofuses and products of vegetable oils deodorization. These products are the source of substances such as polar lipids (phospholipids, glycolipids, etc. ), and terpenes (di -and tri - terpenes, which include sterols , vitamin E, K , etc.).

Nowadays these products are sold to Europe, China and Japan, where they are deep processed. Domestic plants do not have the technology and equipment for deep cleaning of these valuable substances. These biologically active substances are widely used as a technological and functional additives in baking, confectionery, flour and animal feed industry, in medicine in the production of blood substitutes, etc.





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