

International Laboratory "Neurophysiology of virtual reality" carries out interdisciplinary research in such areas as dynamicphysiological optics, cognitive technologies, bioinformatics technology, information technology, image processing. The purpose of research is to solve the fundamental problems of neurophysiology related to the activity of sensory systems to provideadaptive human behavior in virtual reality.

Laboratory staff formed on the basis of the Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, the University of Information Technologies and Middlesex University in London.


Virtual reality systems optimization

In our laboratory the measurings of functional status of various systems of the brain are hold, providing higher cognitive processes and human activity in virtual environments created by digital methods and unconsciously controlled biofeedback . To assess brain responses to synthesized tests developed methods for measuring physiological state of the brain functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ), digital EEG, conscious and unconscious motor responses. The researches the interaction of the visual cortex with other brain : from the parietal , prefrontal , fusiform and cingulate cortex in pattern recognition and decision-making on short-term incentives imposed under predlyagaemogo project will be expanded for the first time and
provide long-term study of human activities in virtual environment. Otsena human performance and its adaptation , fatigue and even paroxysmal activity is closely linked to the development of mechanisms of selective attention , decision-making , ensuring the motor response in youth and involution in the elderly. Application of methods of biofeedback to control the parameters of virtual environment will create adjustment methods of cognitive mechanisms at different ages .


Application of virtual reality technologies for cognitive functions study

In the laboratory studies of cognitive processes that ensure optimal human activities in the virtual environment are carried out.Laboratory equipment allows spatce-temporal mapping of brain activity in virtual environments and carry out the control of conscious and unconscious eye movements. Based on the feedback achieves a high level of immersion in the virtual environmentand then receive information about the human condition.

Research results will be used not only for applied research tasks in the field of ergonomics, but also test the medical use for the development of fundamentally new methods of treatment of diseases of the sensory-motor areas of the musculoskeletal system, decision-making in neurological disorders and assess changes in the main mechanisms spatial orientation and decision-makingat different ages.


Space-time mapping of brain activity

Study of influence of objects spatial, phase, polarizing characteristics on the visual perception.

Discrete temporal mapping of the distributed brain electrical activity by using digital image processing

One of the problems addressed in the laboratory is data optimization obtained from complex psychophysiological measurements of the functional state of the observer. To study the bioelectrical activity of different brain structures the method of evoked potentials is widely used.

The most important unsolved problem of science and technology is the VP selection from the
general background of the current EEG .
The most common ways of evoked potentials selection are synchronous averaging and accumulation, but they have a number of disadvantages.

In laboratory VP brain research in high level of immersion in a virtual environment is carried out
and methods of VP selection from background EEG are developing.

To data processing are used digital image processing methods, fractal methods for the isolation of low-contrast image elements and recognition of individual picture elements with technology of neural networks for image recognition.






Pavlov Institute of physiology RAS



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